you so much for making my life cheerful. This blog is just a tribute to you. My
love for you. Sorry I kept you 12th. Apology! I lived all alone for 6 years in my flat but
by the end of 4th year I was introduced to you. And my Life Changed.
I felt you in my home since then. I talked with you. I imagined how you must
have reacted in XYZ situation. I followed the way you show me in any issues I
faced. My friends told me when I start
talking about you I am unstoppable. I smile I laugh I giggle I make faces and I
am happy. They love me like this. You seriously mesmerised me. I never got or
will get such a companion in my life for sure. I LOVE YOU!
I still remember the first encounter with you “chandler stuck in an atm” it was love
at first sight; from that day my thinking my life has changed. The friendship
between you people cannot be described in words. F.R.I.E.N.D.S changed my
thinking and opinion about west. The love between Chandler and Monica was so
pure. The fight for house was so involving for me and when Chandler and Joe won
it was top of the world feeling for me as if I have won the Quiz.
how can you be so generous and ready to do whatever you can for people let it
be your granny, sis, or your beloved friends.
Joe I know you are brightest in all. People are very dumb to know you,
understand you. I want to be like you. A shower and all your sorrows are in
bathroom outlet. People cared for you and they don’t how you will react is
enough for you Ross, right?
Rachel you know cooking by now. Don’t you worry I am facing the same problem. I
can’t cook but world wants me learn cooking. Monica! are you an Indian? How you
have all the qualities of an Indian woman! Chandler how’s your twins? Hope they get your
sarcasm. And yes you are the funniest in the world.
thanks for being a part of life.