Tulsi Gabbard a new topic to discuss for the world. She is the first practicing Hindu and the first Samoan-American member of Congress USA. As she attends many programs organized by Hindus in America and talks about Bhagwad Geeta, she is automatically labelled as right wing Hindu fascist. Also blamed that She has been funded by RSS. The RSS which has no official presence outside India and also doesn't have any such property of its own and funds of its own. According to some left leaning media houses and liberals RSS who doesn't run anything on their names is trying to decide president of USA. No words to describe their highly dogmatic thinking.
Tulsi in all her speeches constantly making people aware about the tax payers money spent by US govt on wars and conquering world by creating disturbance in the world. She is so much focused on utilizing money on USA's development and future. There is still a lot scope for USA to improve. The Slums in USA have become homeland of crimes and darkest areas in the world. Such issues should be addressed.
May USA actually put women empowerment into practice and choose Tulsi as their first female President after 250 years of independence.